Friday, October 06, 2006

I just wrote an email to a friend letting him know what God's been doing here in Queretaro.   
I'm very excited, so I wanted to paste it here to let you know also.  
Let me know what you think.


[Hey Josh,]

I think you’ve talked with Nolan some about what’s happening here, but just a quick fly-by look:

· Monday, Nolan and Mary met with Ingrid, a student at the Tec in the first meeting of a Célula de Oración [Prayer Cell Group]

· Wednesday, they met with 3 other students that want to begin at least one (maybe 3 separate) Células at other times on the Tec campus

· Nolan and I met yesterday with Davíd (a medical student) on the UAQ (Querétaro State) campus in the first Célula de Oración

· While there, we saw two students from the psychology department who want to begin one or more Células in their department with some friends

· David also has several friends in several different majors (Chemistry, Criminology, Engineering, etc.) whom he thinks will want to begin Células de Oración in their prospective departments

The idea is that these Christian students can meet together in small groups (not huge ones) to pray for their friends. They can approach their friends to ask: “Hey, we have a group that meets regularly on the campus to pray for things. Is there anything you’d like us to pray for you about?” Then after praying, they’ll go back to see how things were: “How’s your aunt that we prayed for last week? How’d that test go?”

Eventually these Células de Oración could turn into Bible studies and non-Christians might even come to pray also. Anyway (wow, I didn’t mean that to get so long!), we’re excited about what God’s doing here.

Maybe there are some Christian students in your city that want to impact the campus and this is an idea they can use. I stole it from the MIES, Ministerio Estudiantil, in Guadalajara; you can steal it from us!



Thursday, August 04, 2005

Camp with Jose Mireles

I'm the Gringo in the the center. Jose is in the front with the gray hair.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Speaking at a Youth Camp

A long-time friend, Jose Mireles, a pastor of at least 3 churches, emailed to ask if I (Steve) could speak at a youth camp that they do every year. For the first time in 3 or 4 years, they were having it at a time when I was able to say "yes."

I drove there on Wednesday to find more than forty 11 to 22 year olds. As I sat with one of the adults, he counted 21 of them who weren't Christians! As I talked with several of them; one girl said she was an atheist, one guy had spent a year in prison for stealing a car, one boys parents were going through a divorce, etc.

I arrived, greeted my friend Jose, and he said: "Okay, they'll play a game now and're up to speak!" I spoke three times on Wednesday and once on Thursday. It was great! Please pray for Jose and the rest of his team. They really know each of these kids, their families, and their needs. I know that God will be using them greatly in the near future.

They're sending me digital pictures so I'll put them up later!


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Laurie Boncimino

Friday, February 25, 2005

Plans for New Campus Outreach

The Universidad de Valle de Mexico has around 2500 students and none of the four ministries in Queretaro has targeted it specifically. As my first effort to build relationships on this campus, last fall, I gave several Time Management seminars on the campus. I ended up giving about 20 seminars to a total of around 450 students.

The idea is to get on campus legitimately so that I can meet the students and share my faith with them. The long-term process is:
1. time management seminars,
2. inquiry classes about Christianity, and then
3. new churches built with university students.

Pray that God will bless.